
im brittney, im a sophmore at a school in sc..

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

life is a bore....havent done anything exciting for a while, my last exciting thing was the homecoming weekend, where i hade four nights in a row of absolute fun, lol.

basketball is going well, our first game is on monday, its 45 mins away at whitmire, its a tournament, i really hope i get some playing time though. robby is coming to it, i avent seen him in a while, so it should be cool.

well i g2g to my next class, i finished with my work earlier then everyone else so the sub let me check my email and stuff...i love you all!


Sunday, November 12, 2006

haha im a dork

hey everyone, i havent been in here for a while, oh well. things have been going ok basketball started a couple of weeks ago, im on varsity (yay!). ive missed practice twice though because im sick, i wasnt even at school friday. its sunday now and im still sick. not really any guys in my life right now......theres a couple who like me, we will see what happens with that. but i will write more in this late today, cya

Sunday, October 15, 2006

heres me..

Friday, October 13, 2006

hey all, things are going well, the grading period ends today so im nervous about what my report card will be...cruuuddeee. lol
i broke up with david yesterday, things just werent going well, and he wasnt treating me out and i found out that hes NOT a christian, and yea, he was kinda scaring me. but the thing is when i went up to him and was all "i dont think we should go out anymore" he goes.. "that probably a good choice on your part" and then he walked away! i was like wtf does that mean!!! jeez, lol. whatever, i can take someone else to the dance or just go alone, lol. im gonna spend the night at bries the night before the dance and then that morning we are going to north carolina to get our hair and makeup done and all that stuff, then the dance starts at 8-11. the bells gonna ring so im gonna go, ttyl love u all byebye

brittney lynn

Thursday, October 12, 2006

hey its brit, i am at school right now, i finished up early with my work so i decided to post. things are ok here. elijah (my 4 yr old bro) has strep throat, jjays (my 10 yr old bro) scoliosis looks like its getting worse, and i dont know whats wrong with me now that i found out that i DONT have celiac disease, but i still dont know what it is that i do pretty annoying. my mom still isnt doing to well and working on our game and homeschooling the boys isnt helping her much, but she is the mom and she has responsibilities i guess, i just wish she wouldnt stress about things so much, and not stubbornly stay up so late, that hurts her. she doesnt realize that by her hurting herself by overworking herself and not sleeping that much hurts her family too, because none of us like to see her in pain. dad is ok health wise i think, besides him being ocd about cleaning and being ADD, but my whole family is anyways...

we found a kitten a couple of nights ago, its adorable, i think its a girl but its hard to tell on cats, the dogs like her but indy our other cat dispises her, lol. i hope that no one claims her, i kinda wanna keep her lol. i named her joey, lol i like that name.

school life is ok, there is a lot of drama, but i try not to get into it. lol but thats quite hard. all my friends are awesome and i dont know what i would be without them, especially brie, my best friend who is always there for me lol. david is annoying me lately but i dont wanna talk about that, ill resolve it and then it will be fine. on the 28th is homecoming, that should be relly fun. i think im going to get my dress this weekend. its gonna be awesome

ill post another blog later,, the bell is about to ring, i love you all have a great day!